e-Bulletin GOJAGE

Photo: Miha Krofel

In this chapter, documents and news of GOJAGE and collective work will be published periodically. Please send us personal materials and original works. E-mail: gojage@goldenjackal.eu

2016 Assessment of golden jackal species (Canis aureus, L.1758) records in natural areas out of their known historic range, Jennifer Hatlauf ,  Ovidiu Banea,  Luca Lapini 

2015 Letter of Complaint regarding the declaration of the Golden Jackals as IAS in Lithuania


06.10.2013 OLBIA 2013: Jackal survey in Wetlands of Lowland Dniester Liman and Shatsk Park West Polesia, Ukraine 


23.08.2013 Jackals: Second specimen removed in NE Estonia , Peep Männil, Estonian Environment Information Centre, Tartu, Estonia 


25.07.2013 Network 2013,  Summer Survey of Jackals’ Habitat in RAMSAR Units, SE Romania REPORT


22.06.2013 Jackal sighting in South-Western part of Bulgaria during 1st World War. Struma (Strymonas) Valley near Melnik, Blagoevgrad Province 1917-1918




20.06.2013 Northwesternmost Italian Golden Jackal photo-trapped on the eastern slopes of the Mount Peller, in Val di Non, Province of Trento (NE Italy)




21.04.2013 Estonian Jackal Canis aureus Origin, Canis lupaster and Legislative status of C. aureus at EU 27 level


16.04.2013 Taxonomic status of the form Lupaster, based on morphological features. Nikolai Spassov, 1986


04.04.2013 Jackal territoriality, habitat specialist behavior, measurable parameters related to food availability as major ecological factor and limit for jackal movements in Europe

04.10.2012 GOJAGE2 broader activities, method and proposal. This is the most integrate jackal density survey suggested and performed in 8 countries (RO, BG, RS, HR, HU, GR, IT, SI)


25.06.2012 Jackal Ecology Task Force JETF, this group of institutions and researchers agreed during WANAX II, summer survey in Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia, to sign 


Jackal Ecology Research Project proposal. This tool is useful now for every Institution or NGO if a jackal specific ecological system project will be proposed.


25.04.2012 GOJAGE1 broader activities, method and project initiated by Czech Republic team, Cervinka and Salek.


---.04.2012 Multivariate Analysis MVA, PDF used for Data Collection


---.04.2012 Distribution and habitat preferences, of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in European range: comparison of different landscape types. Dr Jaroslav Cervinka


---.03.2012 IUCN e-Bulletin SE-Europe Golden Jackal Survey. First date when GOJAGE is mentioned as informal group of jackal enthusiasts interested in the study of golden jackal.